Filmed in Toronto's Second City, this is Stephan's first stand up comedy special (1hr) talking about the culture shock of being a Latino immigrant in Canada.

Stephan's comedy special:
Cualquier Vueltica Es Salsa
(Spanish video) Filmed in Toronto's Second City, this is Stephan's first stand up comedy special (1hr) talking about the culture shock of being a Latino immigrant in Canada.

stephan on tedx
The Payoffs of Chasing
After Your Dreams
In 2017, Stephan and Juan were two of the youngest senior managers in one of Canada's top banks. While achieving professional success in a foreign country felt really good, comedy was their true passion. The time then came to make a big decision: to continue living being comfortable, but unfulfilled, or to quit their jobs and pursue their dreams. Stephan Dyer and Juan Cajiao are international bilingual, award-winning stand-up comedians born in Costa Rica and Colombia, respectively. They founded MalPensando -- Club de Comedia Canadá, the first and only Spanish comedy and public speaking school in Canada. They just finished their third international comedy tour.